
Archive for 2002

Edge of the Continent

Beach at Neskowin

Neskowin, this time in the morning.

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Edge of the Sound

Wharf at port townsend

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Avocado Curry

Makes 4-6 servings. (takes 1/2 hour or so)

2 small onions
5 cloves garlic
1 red bell pepper
2 serrano peppers, Finely chopped.
2 tomatoes
5 avocadoes
5 tsp curry powder
1 tsp chipotle powder
Juice of one lime
1 tbsp chopped cilantro
Salt to taste

Saute onions and garlic till soft. Add curry powder and cook some more. Add everything else except lime and cilantro, cook till soft. Finally, add lime juice and cilantro and mix in. Serve with rice. It’s excellent with a good riesling such as the nice Cold Creek Vineyard Riesling from Chateau Ste. Michelle.

This dish can be pretty spicy. For those sensitive to heat, leave out one of the serrano peppers. This recipe was created by Rose and inspired by the Sweetwater’s Jamhouse in Portland OR. But I matched it to the wine.

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OSX Crash

It had to happen. Sooner or later, and on a machine where people notice if there are crashes.

sand at nescowin

One app did a death spiral, dying, getting restarted by a monitor, and dying again. And again. And again. About 200+ k worth of single thread crash logs. Looks like it was a window drawing problem with the spashscreen.

Then it took out the loginwindow process. Or it took out the windowserver, and that took out the loginwindow process. (I have a crash log from that too) This caused the finder to quit, killing all the other gui apps on the system, which then proceeded to log in and restart everything again. Ok, I can deal with that.

But a few crashes without logs later, the machine is unresponsive to ssh, console, or web requests (with the odd exception of apache).

So is there an address where system crash logs can be sent to apple? perhaps stevej@apple.com? sjobs? theSteve?

I feel like I’m listening to Malcom in Jurassic Park. You’re problem begins not when you first think that things are going wrong, but when you think you’ve cleaned up the mess and you’ve survived. What you don’t know is that you’re running on a generator that has 5 minutes of power left and that the electric fences keeping your customers from your throat are down.

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Mozilla Changes

A little programming talk today.

Mozilla is changing things. It’s good enough to be used as a most of the time browser. Especially now that you can disable obnoxious javascript behavior (window placement, new windows) while leaving it on for some added functionality. The ability to command click for links to be opened in a new tab behind the current one is killer. Before I visit dangerousmeta, I have one tab open; after, I have 10 with the next 10 minutes of reading queueing up in the background. Killer I tell you.

But Mozilla 0.9.8 broke a few of my apps in interesting ways. First, when you have code like the following that creates an image button for a form submission:

<input type='image'  height='13' width='19' border='0' 
  name='transferImage.erics.out' value='erics.out' 
  src='http:\//douglas.socialecology.com/arrow.gif' >

Every other browser in the world sends two parameters on submission, transferImage.erics.out.x and transferImage.erics.out.y, corresponding to the point on the image where you clicked. Mozilla (since 0.9.8) now sends three, the original two and transferImage.erics.out=erics.out (the value argument). Through a little fragile programming on my part, I mucked that one up.

The 0.9.8 update also hosed some attachment uploading code that I had, although in a slightly subtle way. I believe that previously Mozilla didn’t send empty file upload categories, where now it sends an empty string.

So when I get an attachment list (in frontier) that used to be { table:3 items }, I’m now getting { table:3 items, “”, “” }. This interacts badly with the following code:

local (attList = {someTable, "",""});
for item in attList {

Apparently ‘for item in list’ uses simple assignment instead of table.assign, so the second time through you are trying to assign a string over a table variable. More accurately, you are trying and failing with an unexpected error.

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April fool free for over 11 months

After much deliberation and knashing of fingertips, this is an April Fool free zone. Move along now, there’s nothing to see here. We will return to regularly scheduled fooling tomorrow.

Then again, it could mean that I just didn’t get my joke together in time.

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A moo with a view

Cow, with ocean

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According to Forbes, Michael Eisner made $700 million over the last 5 years.

According to their accountants, Disney made just over $2 billion in profits in the last 3 years, and roughly $6 billion if you dig back through the last 5 years.

Now I know that comparing Eisner’s compensation including stock options to the company’s profits is not quite a straightforwarding accounting matter, but it looks like Michael Eisner got 11% of the profit that Disney made over the last 5 years.

Now on to the editorial. Mr Eisner. I’m glad that you don’t steal. I’m glad that your grandfather and father tought you not to steal. That’s a useful attribute in a CEO. But Mr Eisner, it may come as news to you, but you are not alone in that. My father tought me not to steal, and I don’t. And I resent your message I am a thief. Your senator’s recent bill will require that I pay for the computer industry to turn my computers into devices that attempt to protect your property, and that I rewrite my applications to do the same.

Leaving aside the point that Digital Rights Management is an impossible goal, adding this to my applications and computers will cost me a lot of money and time for no benefit, except to you.

Hmm. You forcing me to spend money for no discernable benefit? Sounds like theft to me.

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More Better Spring

Took a little trip this weekend, to the olympic peninsula. Marrowstone Island and Port Townsend.
A dock in Port Townsend

A heron and ducks from the front porch of the cabin

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On the first day of spring…

Tulips in the snow

Tulips and snow outside.

View of the window

Of course, that was yesterday, and today it’s 50 degrees and smells like spring. Oh well, there’s always tomorrow.

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