
Strawberry Harvest

Picked some strawberries yesterday, about a quart. That one harvest may be my best year yet. This is the second year in this bed, so I think the sun and the soil are contributing to the bounty.

strawberry harvest

I’ve figured out a few things the hard way:

  1. Plant in an area with full sun.
  2. Water every few days in May.
  3. Fertilize (lightly) every week in May.
  4. Netting keeps the birds and squirrels out.
  5. They get better the second year in the ground.

Strawberry bed, after picking

Some of the berries are perfectly red, juicy, and sweet, some are kind of flavorless, some are a bit tart, and some have that industrial strawberry flavor that I’ve never tasted in a real berry before.

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