Quick Scripts
Note: this stuff is old.
A collection of scripts and other interesting things that could be useful for people making frontier websites. The mailserver is on hiatus for a while, till I get a releasable version again.
- “Frontier-TOC”: Merged into the Userland Frontier codebase.
- “PicsPicker”: Some image management stuff for Manila.
- “Esoteric Settings”: Mainresponder settings, exposed for Manila
- “Patch Tool”: the basis for being able to stick Frontier odb items into source control. Probably superceeded by cvs integration (see frontierkernel.sourceforge.org).
- “JSP Proxy Responder” A Frontier responder to proxy incoming requests to another server.
- Radio Userland Remote Player Xml-rpc interfaces on the a linux box and the drivers in RU to Store, Stream and Play mp3s.
- “Imagemagick Thumbnail Script.” A perl script to run imagemagick on the command line to produce thumbnails and meduim sized images. You need perl, imagemagick and a machine with a command line. (i.e., NT, linux, or probably Mac OsX)
- “XML-RPC via SMTP” / pop. This is a minor extension of xml-rpc to work over an email connection.
- “EmailThisPage” script to email a copy of the page to someone who may be interested. Note that Userland now includes similar functionality in Manila.
- “Notify me” script to notify me when someone replies to a posting of mine in the discussion group.
- Version of “prefsSuite.drawNavigator” that allows for templates for the links.
- Perl/NT “Keep it Up” script. Queries frontier every minute to make sure that it’s answering queries
- “Thread View” for the discussion group. – From any message in a thread, I want to be able to see the relation to all of the other messages in the thread.
- “DrawCalendar” This is a drop in replacement for the main responder calendar script. It provides a single non-table calendar that shows one week back and ahead in individual days, And links to Next/Last week, month, and year. I like it better than the original calendar for cases where I just want to see relative dates and when I might be accessing the page through lynx, a textmode browser. That and it’s just different.