

This is a macro and page script for manila sites that will give you a way to email the current page to yourself or a friend. Only Members can email a page. The email appears to come from the member’s account.

To install this code, retrieve the fat page using the link above and open it in frontier. There are 4 pieces. Version is the version of this code. EmailThisPage should go in the root of your manila site. EmailThisPageMacro should go in your tools table, or some other place that is in scope for macros. The contents of the legal macros table should be put in your config.mainresponder.prefs.legalmacros table.

To use it in a page, use the macro:


This is the result:

Email this page to

There are a couple of issues here that will have to be dealt with before it goes into a production version.

  1. Html isn’t dealt with intelligently.
  2. Macros aren’t expanded yet
  3. You need access to the Manila server for it to work.

I’m thinking about how to fix all of these, but for now I’m going to release it, since there are a lot of a pages that this will work well for.

It’s a start.


2 Comments so far

  1. Commenter March 2nd, 2001 7:22 pm


    I don’t see the fatpage link….


  2. Commenter March 3rd, 2001 4:26 pm

    It’s back now, when my discussion group changed to templates, the link got taken out of the header of the message.


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