
Garden Update

Well, the stuff (spinach, carrots, beets, chard) that I planted in at the beginning of August is doing well. It all sprouted really quickly, since we had a week of every-other-day rain. Nothing like heat and rain to do that. Unfortunately, it’s bringing out the slugs as well.

Then yesterday, we had a big harvest. A cauliflower. big. Two Broccolis, small and larger. A handful of beans. A carrot, a parsnip. A decent sized zucchini, 10 lbs of red potatoes, some chard that was getting de-bolted, and 4 pints of blackberries.

All of it good sized, all perfect looking and the sort of thing that would sell in the non-organic must look beautiful section of the grocery store.

The sunflowers are mostly about as tall as I am, the infrareds are out, the verigated ones are close behind. The giants aren’t out yet, and it’s getting hard to tell how they’re doing since I can’t see the top anymore. The pole beans have started to have little 1/4 inch beans show up. And the pumpkins are nuts. Huge and sprawly. And not small pumpkins either.

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