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When Ducktyping is Dangerous
Python’s ducktyping is very useful. It’s good to be able to generally treat something as a file, or a string even if it’s not exactly a file or a string. But when there are methods with the same signature(*) whose parameters change meaning, then you’ve got a problem.
When you have a string, you can use the string.translate(mapping) call to translate characters — to do things like force all whitespace to be a real space, or drop everything in the 8 bit zone. Unicode strings have a similar method, unicode.translate(mapping).
Except that the mapping is totally different for strings and unicode strings. The string translate takes a 256 character string, and the unicode one takes a hash. This leads to the error:
TypeError: character mapping must return integer, None or unicode
which is especially fun when you don’t know if you have a string or a unicode string, and stuff just worked before.
This is a working solution for the unicode case. Instead of mapping = string.maketrans('\r\n\t',' ')
, you need mapping = dict(zip(map(ord, u'\r\n\t'), u' '))
(*) well, technically the type would change, but you don’t see that in a non-statically typed language.
No commentsWhen IPMI Cards Attack
We’ve occasionally had issues with a database machine hanging at boot waiting for
a PepperC Usb Mass storage device. Turns out that it’s part of an IPMI
card for supermicro motherboards, and for some annoying reason, it was
asserting itself as the root device.
This is a big server, with a raid card, a bunch of drives and a couple of logical arrays off of that card. It’s meant to boot off of one of the arrays, on /dev/sda.
What is happening is that the SCSI and the USB are probed in parallel and there’s a race condition as to which one responds first and therefore gets the sda designation. The next gets sdb, then sdc, and so on. Normally, drives and partitions are referred to by that
designation. Normally, the order is static, and everything is good.
But if something takes longer than normal, perhaps due to an extra
drive in the case or something, then the other one has a chance to
take over.
And then you’re trying to boot off of something that you don’t expect,
like the newly inserted big drive for backups, or the PepperC device. (Good thing that the IPMI card has KVM over ip. It’s nice when a piecce of equipment solves aas many problems as it causes. )
So, the other way to refer to drives is by uuid, a universal id. All
drives and partitions have a unique 128bit id, which makes it a bit harder to have some interloper of a device register a second or two early and mess everything up. This stable root device (AKA UUID) walkthrough worked for me with Debian Stable (etch) with the caveat that I had to mkswap again, as my swap partition didn’t have a uuid associated with it originally.
Incidentally, this IPMI card also will prevent booting if its event log is full by displaying a ‘Press F1 to continue’ prompt on the console. I’m at the point where I’m not sure if the IPMI card helps or hinders reliability, and I’m likely not to put any in machines in the future.
No commentsIcy Pond
A few from the edge of the pond, before the latest 6″ of snow fell. This was after a few days of bitter cold froze the top inch or so. The water slowly drains from the pond, leaving concentric rings near the edges.
No commentsPower’s out.
Shutting down the office. Yay. Fun. Guess it’s time for bed instead of replacing the electrical sockets in the spare room where we just finished painting.
It was out from 11pm to 1:15 am or so, when all the lights in the house came on. And now we have a good 6 inches of snow on the ground, and all the trees are looking very white and droopy.
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